
About NHS Homes Alliance

NHS Homes Alliance is a collaboration of representatives from public and private sector organisations including NHS Trusts, pension funds, financial, legal and real estate experts; housing associations; architects and developers.

Our mission is to ensure that talented people working in the NHS and social care have access to homes that support their needs and can be recruited without the barrier of a lack of decent, affordable places to live, that are close to work.

Together we have convened an important conversation to find holistic solutions to delivering these much-needed homes, supporting recruitment and retention in health and social care.

Join the conversation on LinkedIn.

About the White Paper 

The White Paper, ‘A People Driven Approach; Delivering NHS Homes’ has been developed by the NHS Homes Alliance. It is authored by Perspicio, Global City Futures and Future Places Studio.

When defining ‘key worker’ this paper includes NHS primary care, secondary care and health and social care workers.

About the authors

Perspicio is a unique strategic consultancy that works with organisations to realise long term financial and social value from their assets. Perspicio pulls together strategic vision, a breadth of collective expertise, and well-honed operational instincts to help organisations identify opportunities within their existing assets, create a sustainable vision for development, and implement an effective delivery strategy to unlock long term value and benefit for the community. 

Global City Futures are expert providers of professional consultancy. We have an extensive portfolio of NHS and other public sector infrastructure projects, where we have played a pivotal role in developing compliant business case processes and funding applications. We develop and manage projects that deliver positive, sustainable change. Global City Futures lead on projects where sustainability and improving quality of life are at the forefront.

We have a deep understanding of public sector finance, corporate vehicles and HMT Green Book Compliance, and we successfully win bids for funding and develop solutions that attract private investment. 

Lead for the development of the financial model in ‘Delivering NHS Homes’.  

Future Places Studio is an independent research, insight and content studio based in London. We operate in the white space where uncertainty and change meets opportunity. Using insight, data, public opinion, and trends to shape future visions, strategies and engagement activities. 

Supporting sponsors: Perspicio, Global City Futures, Future Places Studio, gbpartnerships group, Montagu Evans, and Perkins & Will.


  • White Paper - Delivering NHS Homes. A people driven approach (link)

  • Savills - Key Worker Living Rents in London - Residential Research (link)

  • Mayor of London Consultation: Key Worker Living Rent Webinar (link)

  • GLA Key Worker Living Rent Homes: Consultation (link)

  • NHS New Homes Solutions Financial Model Developed by Global City Futures - Webinar (link)

  • Interim Report - Accommodation experiences among staff at Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust UCL & Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust (link)

  • UCL & Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust - Seminar Summary (link)

  • Dolphin Homes - Personalised Rent Webinar (link)

  • Fair Terms to Fund Key Workers - The Good Economy & the NHS Homes Alliance - Roundtable Summary (link)

  • Savills - Key Worker Housing - Residential Research (link)

  • Price Hubble - Health Check: An assessment of health workers living in private rental homes (link)

  • Affordable Homes for NHS Staff in North Central London (link)

If your organisation has published relevant research you would like included in this list, please contact us.